Pennsylvania winters are brisk and icy, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop your motorcycle rides when the season changes. If you’re smart about it, you can ride your motorcycle all year round, even in the snow! Here are some of our top recommendations on how to safely ride your motorcycle in cold weather.

Choose the Right Gear

If you’re a seasoned expert, you probably know just how important it is to choose the right gear. This is even more crucial when riding your bike in cold weather. If you don’t have the right gear, you’ll not only be uncomfortable, but also unsafe. It’s much more difficult to operate the controls on your motorcycle when you’re fighting against severe cold and harsh winds. 

You can start by investing in thermal underwear and a couple layers of socks. Keep in mind that your hands and feet get the coldest, so you should always wear a solid pair of gloves and boots.

If you plan to be riding in cold weather regularly, you should think about investing in heated clothing. Oftentimes, this type of apparel is battery-powered and it will keep your body warm for as long as you’re riding. A few of the options include heated jackets and leg liners. You’ll feel confident when you set out to brave the winter knowing that you’ll be safe and comfortable on your bike.

Prepare Your Motorcycle

Next, you’ll need to make sure your motorcycle is prepared for the occasion. If your bike already has a built-in windshield, you’re off to a good start. If not, don’t worry. There are plenty of aftermarket options that can help you deal with wind resistance. You’ll want to think about investing in a set of wind guards for your legs, too. 

Even when you have waterproof gloves, the intense chill can take a toll on your hands rather quickly. You should consider buying a pair of heated hand grips to give you the warmth you need to keep your hands comfortable and capable of fast response time.

Check the Tires

Don’t forget that when the temperatures drop, your tire pressure is affected. For every 10-degree temperature drop, your tires will experience a loss of air pressure. You might be surprised to learn that this can cause your tires to lose a whopping two pounds worth of pressure. 

You should always check the pressure in your tires before you hit the road, especially during the winter season. Some riders prefer to invest in specialized tires that are designed to handle colder temperatures. If you ride in the cold quite often, this might be a good investment for you.

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